I don’t know how or what I did back in those days .... but before I knew it I was bundled off to Tunku Kurshiah College in Seremban where I spent my adolescent years ie from 1972 – 1978. I hated being there and was always counting the days for when I’d be out in the world ......
This hall was where we had our weekly assembly, concerts, prayers, badminton matches, table tennis matches, folk dancing lessons, singing/dancing competitions, mock elections, showing of movies ...... etc etc etc
Orchid dormitory on the first floor of Mahsuri building was the first dormitory I set foot in. In those days we had double deckers – I always preferred the upper bunk as it provided me more privacy (to me at least)
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In the five years I was in Mahsuri block, I must’ve gone up and down these stairs countless times. Nothing much has changed except the lounge looks very 'frilled' up.
This washing area has been tiled and cleaned up – but it didn’t have the homely atmosphere I remember .... We used to have lockers where our goodies were stored.
"Come Mahsurians Up Mahsurian
Let's keep our flag flying up high
Victory is our destination
That's a fact we can't deny
So let us all get together
Don't be sorry if you lose
Let's be joyful it'll be better
So no forward we must push
Come Mahsurians That's the spirit
That's the spirit we must keep
Never be shy to take defeat
Rise again and take the lead "
Lyrics of this song was provided by Cik Mahiran our physical education teacher cum warden cum confidante to many students back then. She still listens to our yakkaty yakking patiently on facebook :) Mrs Ho, Miss Vicky, Mr Ng, Pn Rokiah, Ustazah Asmah are other teachers that comes to mind.
I hated having to set tables for the seniors but loved to stay back for extra food at this dining hall – I had a very healthy appetite due to numerous sports activities I indulged in. Despite all the food consumed, I was still one of the smallest/shortest then...... Today, I believe I have overtaken many in the ‘height’ department :)
This is the center of the square school block. I didn’t think I’d miss being here, but I sure do. My kids think it’s like in the Harry Porter movie ...... ha ha ....
The tennis court was my favorite place. I spent most of my free time either reading behind the tennis wall or simply hitting the wall alone as not many would sparr with me back then .... Representing the college and Negri Sembilan state was the highlight of my tennis involvement.
Other sports I represented either TKC or Mahsuri House were volley ball, netball and table tennis. In athletics, I always excelled in marathons.
Other sports I represented either TKC or Mahsuri House were volley ball, netball and table tennis. In athletics, I always excelled in marathons.
This was the first time I’d visited TKC after leaving it in 1978 in the middle of lower six – my brother had me transferred to Kajang High School where my family wanted me to be in ‘arts stream’ (in order to do ‘law’) .At that time TKC only catered for science stream. I was interested in Engineering but we don’t argue with our elders in those days - guess life had other things in store for me ......
I told my kids that this ‘prison’ was more than home could ever have been to me. It taught me how to be independent, to fight/work hard to get what I want, to be resourceful, to solve problems instead of pondering on it endlessly , juggle my preferences and to turn enemies into friends .....
Now.... I am proud to have been an inmate of this ‘prison’
I love you Tunku Kurshiah College ..........
"Kolej Tunku Kurshiah
Kolej ulung di negra Malaysia
Kami pelajar bersumpah
Akan teguh patuh memeliharanya
Kolej Tunku Kurshiah
Kolej mulia berjasa
Muga-muga Tuhan memberi rahmatnya
Sentosa Kolej Tunku Kurshiah"
"Kolej Tunku Kurshiah
Kolej ulung di negra Malaysia
Kami pelajar bersumpah
Akan teguh patuh memeliharanya
Kolej Tunku Kurshiah
Kolej mulia berjasa
Muga-muga Tuhan memberi rahmatnya
Sentosa Kolej Tunku Kurshiah"
Fatimah Ahmad known as Chu to all my TKC sisters is now Fatimah Ahmad De Polo.
To most bikers today, I am simply Fa Polo .....
To most bikers today, I am simply Fa Polo .....
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